donderdag 24 januari 2013


I realized I've been neglecting my blog again. I didn't really know what to write. But today I thought of writing again. At the moment I still haven't got a job. I applied for Lush, but I'm waiting for a reply. I'm mostly spending my days on Tumblr or reading a book. In the beginning of January I also did an audition for a short film, but I'm also waiting for a reply.

Today was rather a sad day cause I had to put one of my rats to sleep. He had a tumor next to his nose so they couldn't operate him anymore and I took care of him for two weeks with an ointment, but this morning I heard he had trouble with breathing and the tumor was so big that this was the best thing to do for him, otherwise he would have suffocated, or starved.. :(

One of the last pictures of Aro I took last week
I'm going to miss him. He was a very sweet & strong rat :(

I thought of also posting my to-do list/goals for 2013, although I'm way too late, but oh well..

I already failed at the 'eat fruit everyday' part and spend less time on the internet xD

But I do play the violin everyday again and I meditate every night before I go to bed!

Oh and I got a haircut! I thought they were going to cut it really short because of all the unhealthy parts of my hair, but it turned out to be longer than I expected!

Don't mind my face though.
So what have you guys been up to?
