This weekend there's a costume party and next week it's FACTS convention so I decided to dye my hair so it would fit my cosplay. I wanted to dye it red, but it turned out pink omg xD
I used Stargazer Rouge and bleached my hair. On the package it looked really red
While dyeing it, it looked bright red too and I really loved the colour:
But then I washed it out and it turned out really fushia pink..
In real life it's even brighter than the picture
I do like it, but it's not the colour I expected it to be. It's perfect for my cosplay, but I have to work next week so they're all gonna be shocked xD
I'm just going to wait for it to fade into a pastel pink, at least that's what I hope it will do. And perhaps after FACTS I will dye a darker red on top of it, idkk. I do like it but it's also too bright so I'm conflicted.
I spent a lot of time dyeing it so I don't want to do it all over again..
As usual I've been away for a few months because I keep forgetting about this blog. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote and my life made a positive turn!
I feel like I've started living again since June. I finally got out of the dark cloud that was preventing me from doing the things I like. I've started chasing my dreams again and got back into acting and singing. I also met the most amazing people and made new friends and I'm really grateful for that.
I'm not going to give a detailed description about everything, but I'll make a summary.
One of the biggest changes is that I'm going to stop studying Biology at Uni but am going to an acting school instead. Something I've wanted for a long time but couldn't due to circumstances. The school is called IAFT (International Academy of Film and Television) and they have a campus in Antwerp, right where I live! Classes start October 6th so that's in a month! I'm really looking forward to it but I'm also nervous!
Like I said I also got back into singing. It started with this small singing contest that me and my sister participated on. I wanted to try it to get more experience and to see what the feedback would be. The judges were really friendly and I got great feedback. They recommended me to follow singing lessons because I lack technique but also told me I had potential. That gave me hope to actually do something with my voice so I started making covers again and went to the music academy to ask if I can follow singing lessons there. They've put me on a waiting list but there's 95% chance that I can start!
Here's a video of the singing contest:
Oh yeah my hair is brown at the moment and it was lavender before!
So yeah, I've been really busy lately and I've been feeling better than ever!