woensdag 5 januari 2011


I don't know what it is, maybe it's me, but it's like I can feel the energy of the new year.
It's only the 5th day and I'm full of energy and new ideas and plans. I even wrote them down! I'm surprised because that's nothing for me. I'm the kind of person that thinks about something, get's excited about it and forgets it a couple of weeks later. And after a while I realize I haven't done a thing.

There are so many things I wanted to do for a long time or books I want to read, but I forget about it or just can't find the time or mind to plan it. I even haven't read Lord Of The Rings yet, which is a shame. But it's all because of my mind. My mind has always been a chaos, but I feel like that's going to change a bit this year. I'm going to keep my planning list from this year and at the end of the year I want to see what I've accomplished.
Like I wrote earlier, last year has been crap. I fell into a deep dark hole, started crawling and crawling, but got stuck. And when someone pulled me out, I slipped again. It seemed impossible for me to get out of there. But I did. And after that I saw the world in a different way. And now I feel like I'm building up my life again. I'm doing the things I used to do and my imaginary world came back. I'm full of new ideas and creations and I'm really happy about that. I finally found myself again.

Also a lot of people come into my life again. People I haven't seen/heard for a long time. And suddenly, these 5 days, they appeared. There must be a reason for everything. Why didn't they talk to me in december? Or why weren't they online then but now? There's someone I texted in november and never got an answer until today. I do believe in destiny and I do believe everything happens with a reason.

I might be a dreamer, but I'd rather be a dreamer than a realist, because it gives you hope somehow ^^

2011: Here I come! Arrr!

dinsdag 4 januari 2011

The Fairy Name Generator

Darcy The Lunatic
Your fairy is:
Oak Goblinglitter
She brings riches and wealth.
She lives in forests of oak and lime trees.
She is only seen in the light of a shooting star.
She wears pretty autumnal leaf colours and has gentle green wings like a butterfly.

My Real Name
Your fairy is:
Feather Iceglitter
She protects the vulnerable and brings justice to the wronged.
She lives in high places where the clouds meet the earth.
She is only seen in the light of a shooting star.
She wears pale blue like the sky and has icy blue butterfly wings.

Hmm, I like both, actually I like the one from my real name even more :D

zondag 2 januari 2011

Happy Newyear!

Since I'm in Turkey and hadn't got the time to write a blog yesterday, I'm doing it now!
First of all Happy Newyear!
I so hope it's going to be a better year than last year, a lot of people say that, but for me 2010 was the worst year ever. It's too personal to write about, but I do want to say I never want a year like that again.
I have the feeling this is going to be a better year and I hope my feelings are true!

Like I wrote on facebook 'Wearing my Asylum Army shirt on newyear's eve, 'cause I'm gonna fight like a girl this year to make my dreams come true ♥.'
This year I want to spend my time better and really try to do the things I want to and dream about.
First of all, that would be making music <3.
Amanda, my best friend, is finally coming in January (and I hope nothing comes in between like last time!) and we're going to work a song out together, our first song <3.

That's the main goal, and for the rest.. I will see. I have dreams and plans, but since my mind and plans always change, I'm just gonna see how far I get.

Wishing you all a happy year again! ^^