dinsdag 4 juni 2013

Lana Del Rey concert

So as I wrote in my previous post I went to the Lana Del Rey concert last week and I'll copy my post from tumblr:

'So yesterday I went to Lana Del Rey and it was absolutely amazing! It was at Vorst Nationaal in Brussels and I went there at 1pm to start queuing. I think there were already around 50-60 people. At 6pm the doors opened and everyone was pulling and pushing and rushing to get in, and it was kind of unfair because there were people who were there from 10am who didn’t get the front row because other people were being rude. The waiting was so stressy, but I got the second row so I was really happy about that. First there was a supporting act and they were surprisingly good! It was a band called Kassidy from Scotland. After that we waited another half an hour and then Lana came on stage and OMG she’s absolutely gorgeous & perfect ♥ She looks so much younger in real life, so much different than her pictures! She wore a green dress and aaah it was so pretty <3

The concert was just perfect <33 In the beginning I couldn’t hear her well, but after that it got better. She sang all the songs I wanted her to sing, like Cola, Gods & Monsters, Summertime Sadness, Ride & Young and Beautiful (and many more of course). I totally cried at Young and Beautiful and cried even more at Ride (because I listened to it in my bad days and it reminded me of that again). The only thing that sucked were the people. They were so rude and kept pushing and pulling, we could barely breath. A lot of people also fainted because of the heat and the crowd.

But Lana is so sweet, she came to the front row during her concert to take pictures and sign! Unfortunately I couldn’t get a picture with her, but while queuing earlier I got a signed Great Gatsby book because I was one of the first. The other ones got a vinyl record box of hers (which I’m totally jealous of), but I’m glad with what I got. At least I have her signature :3

It totally rocked and I already want to go back despite all the stupid people. Suffering from post-Lana depression now!'


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